How to Find and Fix Hidden Pipeline Leaks in HubSpot with Deal Waterfall Reports

Optimize Your Sales Pipeline with HubSpot's Reports, Workflows, and Tools

Discover how HubSpot's powerful reports and tools can help you identify and fix sales pipeline leaks, streamline your process, and boost revenue to accelerate your sales cycle and drive conversions.

In any sales organization, it’s essential to prevent lost revenue and seize missed opportunities by proactively addressing pipeline leaks in the sales process. These “pipeline leaks” can occur at various stages of the sales process, resulting in lost revenue and missed opportunities. However, by proactively identifying and addressing these leaks, businesses can significantly improve their sales performance. HubSpot equips you with the right tools to transform potential leaks into a stream of paying customers.

Let’s dive into how you can use HubSpot to plug those leaks and optimize your sales process.


Uncover Hidden Leaks with HubSpot’s Powerful Reports

HubSpot offers a variety of reports that can help you identify potential leaks in your sales pipeline. Two of the most useful reports for this purpose are the Deal Funnel Waterfall Report and the Deal Stage Velocity Report.

Visualize and Optimize Your Sales Funnel

This report allows you to gain a clear picture of your sales pipeline and pinpoint drop-off points that demand your attention.To access it in HubSpot, navigate to Reports > Reports > Sales > Deal Funnel Waterfall.

By analyzing this report, you can quickly identify bottlenecks and uncover areas for improvement in your sales process.. This could indicate a bottleneck or an area where your sales process needs improvement. For example, if you see a large drop-off between the “Qualified Lead” and “Presentation Scheduled” stages, it might suggest that your team is struggling to effectively engage qualified leads and book meetings.

Actions to take:

Investigate and understand the reasons behind deal stagnation. Investigate why deals are stalling at specific stages. Are there common objections or challenges that your team is encountering?

Implement targeted refinements to your sales process. Based on your analysis, consider refining your sales process to address the identified issues. This could involve improving lead nurturing, providing sales enablement resources, or adjusting your qualification criteria.

Accelerate Your Sales Cycle with Deal Stage Velocity

The Deal Stage Velocity report helps you understand pinpoint bottlenecks that are slowing down your sales cycle and hindering deal closures. This can be crucial in identifying bottlenecks that are slowing down your sales cycle and hindering deal closures.

Accessing and Interpreting the Report

To access the Deal Stage Velocity report in HubSpot, navigate to Reports > Analytics Tools > Sales Analytics. In the left sidebar, you’ll find it under “Time spent in deal stage” or “Deal velocity.”

This report presents data in various formats, such as bar graphs and tables, showing the average time deals spend in each stage of your pipeline. By analyzing this data, you can pinpoint stages with unusually long durations. This can help you uncover hidden inefficiencies and remove obstacles impeding deal progression.

Identifying Bottlenecks

Imagine your Deal Stage Velocity report highlighting a consistent delay in the “Contract Negotiation” stage, a clear sign of potential bottlenecks. This could signal several potential issues:

Complex contract terms: Perhaps your contracts are overly complicated or contain ambiguous language, leading to prolonged negotiations.

Lack of clarity: Maybe there’s a lack of clear communication or misalignment between your sales team and the legal department, causing delays in finalizing the contract.

Limited availability: Perhaps the key decision-makers involved in the negotiation process have limited availability, creating scheduling bottlenecks.

Actions to Address Bottlenecks

Take decisive action to address bottlenecks and optimize your sales process. Here are some steps you can take to address delays and optimize your sales process:

Investigate the root causes: Talk to your sales team, legal team, and other relevant stakeholders to understand the reasons behind the delays. Gather feedback and identify the specific challenges they are facing.

Simplify and streamline processes: If contract complexity is an issue, consider simplifying your contract terms or providing clearer explanations. Implement standardized templates and workflows to streamline the negotiation process.

Improve communication and collaboration: Foster better communication and collaboration between your sales and legal teams. Ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Empower your sales team: Provide your sales team with the necessary resources, training, and authority to handle common negotiation points and address client concerns effectively.

By regularly monitoring the Deal Stage Velocity report and taking proactive steps to address bottlenecks, you can accelerate your sales cycle, improve deal flow, and ultimately increase revenue generation.


Deep Dive into Deal Records

While HubSpot reports provide valuable insights into overall pipeline health, sometimes you need to examine individual deal records to uncover hidden leaks. This granular view can reveal subtle issues that might be missed in broader reports. Two key areas to focus on within deal records are the Activity History and Deal Properties.

Activity History

The Activity History provides a chronological record of all interactions associated with a deal, including emails, calls, meetings, notes, and tasks. To view the Activity History, simply open a deal record and navigate to the “Activity” tab.

Identifying Gaps in Communication

Carefully review the Activity History for each deal, paying close attention to the timeline and frequency of interactions. Look for:

  • Gaps in communication: Are there extended periods where no contact was made with the prospect? This could indicate a missed opportunity to nurture the relationship and move the deal forward.
  • Missed follow-ups: Were promises made that weren’t followed up on? Did the prospect express interest in something that was never addressed? These oversights can damage trust and hinder deal progress.
  • Inconsistent engagement: Is the level of engagement consistent throughout the sales process? A sudden drop-off in activity could signal a waning interest from the prospect.

Ensuring Consistent Engagement

To prevent these issues and maintain consistent engagement, consider the following:

  • Set reminders: Use HubSpot’s task and reminder features to ensure timely follow-ups and prevent crucial tasks from slipping through the cracks.
  • Implement automated sequences: Leverage HubSpot’s sequences tool to automate personalized email and task workflows, ensuring consistent and timely communication with prospects throughout the sales process.
  • Encourage proactive communication: Encourage your sales team to document all interactions and maintain detailed notes within the Activity History. This creates a transparent record and facilitates seamless collaboration.

By diligently reviewing the Activity History and taking steps to ensure consistent engagement, you can identify and address potential leaks before they result in lost deals.


Deal Properties

Deal properties are essentially data points associated with each deal in your HubSpot CRM. These properties can include information such as lead source, industry, deal size, product type, and more. By analyzing these properties, you can identify patterns and trends that may reveal hidden leaks or areas for improvement in your sales process.

Segmented Analysis with Deal Properties

HubSpot allows you to filter and segment your deals based on these properties. This enables you to perform targeted analysis and gain deeper insights into specific segments of your pipeline. For example, you could:

  • Analyze deals by lead source: Filter deals by lead source (e.g., website, social media, referrals) to assess the quality and conversion rates of different lead sources. This can help you identify which sources are generating the most valuable leads and optimize your lead generation strategy accordingly.
  • Identify industry-specific trends: Segment deals by industry to identify patterns and challenges specific to certain sectors. This can help you tailor your sales approach and messaging to better resonate with different target audiences.
  • Assess deal size and its impact: Analyze deal size in relation to other properties, such as close rate or sales cycle length. This can help you understand if larger deals require a different sales approach or more resources.
  • Evaluate product performance: Segment deals by product type to assess the performance of different offerings. This can help you identify which products are selling well and which ones may need adjustments in pricing, features, or marketing.

Taking Action Based on Identified Patterns

Once you’ve identified patterns through segmented analysis, it’s crucial to take action. Here are some examples of actions you can take based on your findings:

  • Re-evaluate lead sources: If analysis reveals that a particular lead source is generating a high volume of low-quality leads, you might consider re-evaluating your investment in that source or adjusting your lead qualification criteria.
  • Implement targeted refinements to your sales process. If you notice that deals from a specific industry have a longer sales cycle, you might need to adjust your sales process to address the unique needs and challenges of that industry.
  • Refine your targeting: If certain product types are underperforming, you might need to refine your targeting or adjust your marketing messages to better reach the right audience.
  • Optimize resource allocation: If larger deals require more time and resources, you can ensure that your sales team is adequately equipped to handle these deals effectively.

By leveraging deal properties for segmented analysis, you can gain a deeper understanding of your sales pipeline, identify hidden leaks, and optimize your sales process for improved performance and increased revenue.


Workflow Inspection

HubSpot workflows are powerful tools for automating tasks, nurturing leads, and streamlining your sales process. However, if workflows aren’t properly set up or maintained, they can become a source of pipeline leaks rather than a solution. Regularly inspecting your workflows is crucial to ensure they are functioning as intended and contributing to your sales success.

Workflow Completion Rates

To analyze workflow performance, start by examining completion rates. This metric tells you what percentage of enrolled objects (contacts, companies, deals, etc.) successfully reach the end of the workflow. You can find this information within the workflow itself, under the “Performance” tab.

Identifying Underperforming Workflows

Pay close attention to workflows with low completion rates. This could indicate a problem with the workflow’s design or execution. Similarly, high error rates signal that something is going wrong within the workflow, preventing it from running smoothly.

Troubleshooting Workflow Issues

Here are some common troubleshooting steps to address workflow problems:

  • Check for broken links: Ensure all links within your workflow emails and actions are functional and directing users to the correct destinations. Broken links can disrupt the flow and frustrate users.
  • Update outdated information: Review the content of your workflow emails, tasks, and notifications to ensure all information is current and accurate. Outdated information can confuse users and damage your credibility.
  • Examine workflow logic: Carefully review the enrollment triggers, conditions, and actions within your workflow to identify any logic errors that might be preventing objects from progressing or causing unexpected outcomes.
  • Test your workflows: Before activating a workflow, thoroughly test it with a small group of objects to identify any issues and ensure it functions as expected.
  • Monitor workflow performance: Regularly monitor workflow performance after activation to identify any emerging issues or areas for optimization.

By proactively inspecting your workflows and addressing any issues, you can ensure that these automation tools are effectively supporting your sales process and contributing to a healthy, leak-free pipeline.

Workflow Enrollment Triggers

The enrollment triggers you define for your workflows determine which objects enter the workflow in the first place. It’s crucial to review these triggers regularly to ensure they are accurately targeting the right objects and aligning with your overall sales strategy.

Refining Triggers for Effective Nurturing

If your workflow enrollment triggers are too broad, you might end up enrolling objects that aren’t a good fit for that particular workflow, leading to irrelevant communications and wasted effort. On the other hand, if your triggers are too narrow, you might miss out on opportunities to nurture promising leads.

Here are some suggestions for refining your workflow enrollment triggers:

  • Clearly define your target audience: Before setting up your triggers, clearly define the specific characteristics of the objects you want to enroll in the workflow. Consider factors like lead source, industry, deal stage, behavior, and interests.
  • Use a combination of triggers: Instead of relying on a single trigger, combine multiple criteria to create more targeted enrollment conditions. For example, you could trigger a workflow for contacts who have downloaded a specific ebook AND visited your pricing page.
  • Leverage lifecycle stage: HubSpot’s lifecycle stage property can be a powerful trigger for workflows. For example, you could trigger a specific nurturing workflow when a contact transitions from “Lead” to “Marketing Qualified Lead.”
  • Consider behavioral triggers: Use behavioral triggers, such as website visits, email opens, or content downloads, to enroll objects in workflows based on their demonstrated interest.
  • Regularly review and adjust: As your business evolves and your sales process changes, revisit your workflow enrollment triggers to ensure they remain aligned with your current goals and strategies.

By refining your workflow enrollment triggers, you can ensure that your workflows are effectively nurturing the right leads at the right time, maximizing your chances of conversion and minimizing wasted effort.


Leveraging Sales Hub Tools

HubSpot’s Sales Hub offers a suite of powerful tools that can help you optimize your sales process and plug pipeline leaks. Two key tools to leverage are Sequences and Tasks & Reminders.


Sequences are automated email and task workflows that help you nurture leads and maintain consistent engagement throughout the sales process. However, to maximize their effectiveness, it’s important to analyze sequence performance and identify areas for improvement.

Analyzing Sequence Performance

Within each sequence, HubSpot provides detailed performance metrics, including:

  • Delivery rate: The percentage of emails successfully delivered to recipients.
  • Open rate: The percentage of emails opened by recipients.
  • Click-through rate: The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within your emails.
  • Reply rate: The percentage of recipients who replied to your emails.
  • Meeting booked rate: The percentage of recipients who booked a meeting through your sequence.

By analyzing these metrics, you can identify which emails in your sequence are performing well and which ones need improvement. For example, if you notice a low open rate for a particular email, you might need to revise the subject line or adjust the send time.

A/B Testing for Optimization

To further optimize your sequences, consider A/B testing different elements, such as:

  • Subject lines: Test different subject lines to see which ones generate the highest open rates.
  • Email content: Experiment with different messaging, calls to action, and visual elements to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Send times: Test sending emails at different times of day or days of the week to optimize for engagement.
  • Call-to-action buttons: Try different button colors, text, or placement to see what drives the most clicks.

By consistently analyzing sequence performance and using A/B testing to optimize your approach, you can ensure that your sequences are effectively engaging leads and driving conversions.

Tasks & Reminders

While Sequences automate a series of actions, individual tasks and reminders provide more granular control over your daily activities and ensure that crucial follow-ups don’t slip through the cracks. Consistent use of these features is essential for maintaining momentum in your sales process and building strong relationships with prospects.

The Importance of Consistency

Imagine this scenario: a sales rep promises to send a prospect a case study but forgets to follow up. The prospect, left waiting, might perceive this as a lack of interest or professionalism, potentially damaging their trust and hindering the deal’s progress. Tasks and reminders help prevent such scenarios by providing timely prompts and ensuring that commitments are fulfilled.

Best Practices for Task Management

To maximize the effectiveness of tasks and reminders within HubSpot, consider these best practices:

  • Be specific and actionable: When creating tasks, be clear and concise about what needs to be done. Instead of a vague task like “Follow up with prospect,” create a specific task like “Send prospect case study on X” or “Call prospect to schedule demo.”
  • Set due dates and reminders: Assign realistic due dates to your tasks and set reminders to ensure timely completion. HubSpot allows you to set multiple reminders for a single task, increasing the likelihood that it won’t be overlooked.
  • Prioritize your tasks: Not all tasks are created equal. Use HubSpot’s task prioritization feature to identify and focus on high-priority tasks that require immediate attention.
  • Associate tasks with deals: Link tasks to specific deals in your pipeline to provide context and ensure that all activities are aligned with your overall sales goals.
  • Utilize task queues: If you have a high volume of tasks, consider using HubSpot’s task queues to organize and distribute tasks efficiently among your sales team.
  • Track task completion: Regularly review your task list and track completion rates to identify any bottlenecks or areas where your team might need additional support.

By incorporating these best practices and consistently using tasks and reminders, you can maintain a proactive and organized approach to sales, ensuring that every lead receives the attention they deserve and that no opportunity falls through the cracks.


Gather Feedback

Even with the most optimized sales process, some deals will inevitably be lost. However, these losses present valuable learning opportunities. By gathering feedback from lost deals, you can gain insights into the reasons behind those losses and identify areas for improvement in your sales strategy.

Lost Deal Feedback

HubSpot offers built-in tools to facilitate feedback collection from lost deals. These tools allow you to create custom surveys or feedback forms that are automatically sent to contacts when a deal is closed as lost. You can customize these forms to ask specific questions relevant to your business, such as:

  • What were the primary reasons for not choosing our product/service?
  • Were there any specific features or functionalities that you were missing?
  • Did you experience any challenges during the sales process?
  • What could we have done better to win your business?

Analyzing Feedback for Improvement

Once you’ve gathered feedback, it’s crucial to analyze the responses to identify recurring themes and patterns. This analysis can reveal valuable insights, such as:

  • Common objections: Are there specific objections or concerns that are frequently raised by lost prospects?
  • Competitive pressures: Are you losing deals to competitors due to pricing, features, or perceived value?
  • Sales process shortcomings: Are there any weaknesses in your sales process that are contributing to deal losses?
  • Product gaps: Are there any missing features or functionalities that are causing prospects to choose alternative solutions?

By identifying these recurring reasons for deal loss, you can take targeted action to address the underlying issues and improve your overall sales performance. For example, you might:

  • Develop new sales enablement resources: If prospects frequently raise specific objections, equip your sales team with the resources and training they need to address those objections effectively.
  • Adjust your pricing or packaging: If pricing is a common barrier, consider adjusting your pricing strategy or offering more flexible packaging options.
  • Improve your sales process: If feedback reveals weaknesses in your sales process, take steps to streamline the process, improve communication, or provide better support to prospects.
  • Prioritize product development: If prospects are consistently requesting missing features, prioritize those features in your product development roadmap.

Gathering and analyzing feedback from lost deals is a critical step in identifying and plugging pipeline leaks. By learning from your losses, you can continuously refine your sales strategy and improve your chances of winning future deals.


Stop the Leaks, Grow Your Revenue

In this post, we’ve explored how HubSpot can be a powerful ally in identifying and addressing those pesky pipeline leaks that drain your revenue and hinder your sales growth. By leveraging HubSpot’s reports, deep-diving into deal records, inspecting your workflows, and utilizing Sales Hub tools, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your sales pipeline and take proactive steps to optimize its performance.

Remember, proactive leak detection is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Regularly monitor your pipeline, analyze data, and adjust your strategies to ensure that you’re consistently capturing and converting valuable leads.

By implementing the strategies outlined in this post, you can transform your sales pipeline into a revenue optimization tool that consistently delivers results.

Stop revenue leakage and unlock your sales potential. Take the Pipeline Leakage Assessment.


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