Achieve Predictable Growth with Expert Pipeline Management

Win more deals and reduce sales cycle time with sales funnel optimization from Growth Era

Navigating Sales Pipeline Challenges

Do these common sales pipeline challenges sound familiar to you?


  • I can’t trust that critical data in my Sales CRM is complete, accurate and up-to-date (such as notes, contact records, deal stages, close dates and close probability).
  • Too often, sales follow-up tasks are overdue or missing altogether.
  • It’s difficult to know why we lose momentum on deals after a positive start.
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Welcome to a New Era
in Sales Revenue


Greater Data Accuracy in Your Sales CRM

Continuous deal health review and data updates to keep the pipeline clear, complete and up-to-date.


Consistent Deal Management

Systematic pipeline management to move deals through the sales process and keep your salespeople in front of the prospect.


Higher Win Rates and Faster Sales Cycles

Close the gaps between sales stages to keep the buyer group engaged to win more deals in less time.

What can you expect?

We leverage decades of experience in sales operations and process design to:


Establish a clear picture of your current pipeline management and accurately identify all friction points


Develop and implement a fully optimized pipeline management system to your specific business needs


Apply our specialized support system with talent to keep your Sales Executives focused on prospects and drive more deals to the win column

Optimize for Success

Your sales pipeline is a revenue factory

For maximum output, you need the right operational setup, streamlined processes with tight quality controls, and a focused workforce ready to make it run. Growth Era specializes in sales funnel optimization to help you win more deals and crush sales production targets.

Maximize the Potential
of Every Deal


Maintaining clear, complete, accurate and up-to-date deal information.


Continuous monitoring of stage, status, and next action.


Active support to keep buyers engaged at each stage.


Weekly pipeline management reporting and collaboration with the Sales Team.

The Growth Era Advantage

Why Partner with Growth Era?

Deep Expertise in Sales Process Design

With decades of experience in sales process design, Growth Era helps you identify the friction points that cause deals to stall out or go lost when they should be won.

Sales CRM Expertise

We can help you cut through the noise in your CRM and align it with what you need to drive your sales process with efficiency.

Maintain a Clean and Accurate Sales CRM

We support your sales team with specialized talent that is laser focused on keeping deal data complete and up-to-date in your Sales CRM, so you can trust reporting and keep a clear view on your pipeline at all times.

More time for Sales Executives to be Selling

Our specialized role in your pipeline keeps the sales process moving and Sales Executives in front of prospects doing what they do best.

Let's Talk Strategy!
Schedule Free Consultation

Increase Win Rates and Reduce Sales Cycles with Growth Era

Let’s explore how Growth Era can help you make your sales growth goals a reality.